New College
New Collegians organise and host an annual art exhibition, often in conjunction with one of the Formal Dinners during the year. Students enter all kinds of art: paintings, drawings, textile design, performance art, poetry and more. Artists may also enjoy helping with set design and graphic design for the New College dramatic productions, decorating groups and the courtyard for special occasions, or helping to design their group’s t-shirt for the year.
Music is a key part of College life. The New College play, musical and revue are the biggest musical events of the year, but there are many more. Students organise inter-group Band Nights, open mic afternoons, and casual jamming sessions on the bridge or in the Music Room. The Music Room is available for practice at most times and is equipped with an upright piano and other instruments owned by residents. A grand piano is available for residents to play in the Main Common Room. Formal Dinners are another stage for keen musicians, as each dinner features a student musical item. If you’re still looking for more musical opportunities, UNSW has some too, with various choirs and musical ensembles open to students.
Cultural Activities
The College’s wide range of student subcommittees provides an avenue for many other interests: PicSoc for the photographers, Magazine Committee for the writers, MovieSoc for the film buffs, CultureSoc for the foodies and language learners. And, if there isn’t one for you already, you can start it up!
New College Postgraduate Village (NCPV)
Art & Music
NCPV residents love to be creative. Every year, students will organise some combination of karaoke nights, talent nights, open mic evenings, dance classes, and art sessions. There is also a musical item at each NCPV formal dinner. The Main Common Room provides a great rehearsal space or spot to play music, equipped with a Kawai GE-20 Grand Piano, an electric piano and an electric organ. Whether you’re an accomplished classical musician, someone looking for a casual jamming session, a ballroom dancer or a Bollywood dancer, there are activities at NCPV for you to enjoy.
Culture Night
A wonderful aspect of living at NCPV is that you will meet people from all over the world. This cultural diversity makes for a rich and vibrant community. One of the most popular NCPV events is Culture Night, which takes place one or two times a year. Residents from each culture set up their own stall with traditional food, and may wear their traditional dress. The night also features music, dance and language from all of the different cultures represented. Sometimes, these evenings are dedicated to just one culture. In the past, NCPV residents have organised African Night, India Nights, Thanksgiving dinners, NAIDOC Week events, Jamaica Night, and Persian and Chinese New Year celebrations.