Players shake hands after MC soccer


Whether you have plenty of sporting experience or none at all, the New College Communities encourage residents to give anything and everything a go, or to be there supporting your fellow collegians on the sidelines.

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New College

Social Sport & Recreation

There are many opportunities to play social sport in College. Table tennis and pool tournaments in the Games Room are popular, as are casual soccer matches at the nearby futsal courts, and games of Ultimate Frisbee on the Village Green. For those who love the outdoors, OutdoorSoc often has hiking, kayaking and bike riding trips on the agenda.

Inter-College Sport

Every year, the student-elected Sports Directors liaise with the Inter-Residence Council to organise an Inter-College sports competition. Colleges at UNSW fight it out for the premiership in each sport, and for the overall men’s and women’s shields. There’s something for everyone: 

  • Volleyball 
  • Water polo
  • Cricket
  • Netball
  • Rugby
  • Tennis
  • Touch football
  • Soccer
  • Cross country
  • Hockey
  • Table tennis
  • Basketball

New Collegians love to don their blue, black and silver striped jerseys, and to cheer on their friends as they bring home the shield.


New College Postgraduate Village (NCPV)

Social Sport & Recreation

If you enjoy sport, you’ll be able to find something to get involved in at NCPV! Many of our residents like to play casual games of soccer on the Village Green and on the futsal courts behind the New College building. NCPV organises a regular weekly social game of football but table tennis and pool are the most popular sports at NCPV which are played in the Games Room. Residents will often organise table tennis tournaments during the year to find the best of the best, and to unearth new contenders for the inter-college Master’s Cup.

In 2024, the college formed two more sporting groups - a badmington and tennis training group. NCPV arranges court hire for both sports at a subsidised rate for residents to enjoy.

Master's Cup Challenge

Twice a year, New College and NCPV go head-to-head in the Master's Cup Challenge. The sports change each time, but have included futsal, badminton, table tennis, volleyball, basketball, dodgeball and pool. It's really anybody's game as residents from each community try to take the cup for their own side of Anzac Parade.

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UNSW Sport Facilities & Activities

For the more serious athletes, New College and NCPV are conveniently located near the UNSW Fitness & Aquatic Centre, which has a gym, swimming pool and a full program of indoor sports and exercise classes. The UNSW Student Union, Arc, organises its own sports teams and competitions, which residents are able to join as well. Games are often played just over the road on the Village Green, or within walking distance of the Colleges at the David Phillips Sports Fields.