NCL Lectures crowd

New College Lectures History

The idea for an annual New College Lectures series appeared back in 1983 with the then Master of the College, Rev Dr Bruce Kaye. By 1985, planning and lecturer selection were well underway, and the very first series was delivered in 1987. The inaugural New College lecturer was Prof Malcolm Jeeves, then Foundation Professor of Psychology at the University of Adelaide. He spoke on the relationship between brain and mind, and what that might mean for Christians. Each year since, under the leadership of successive Masters, New College has produced a lecture series. The above brochure was published in honour of the Lectures' 30th Anniversary in 2017 and contains a more detailed recounting of their history.

Year Title Lecturer(s)
2024 Towards Peace And Healing

Rev. Canon Dr Antoine Rutayisire

2023 A Christian Critical Theory? Assoc Prof. Chris Watkin
2022 Finding Yourself Dr Brian Rosner
2021 Nurture: Confronting a Crisis Dr Jenny Brown
2020 Family and Faith in a Multicultural Society Prof. Patrick Parkinson
2019 Faith, Hope and Love: Unchanging Virtues for a Changing World Most Rev Dr Glenn Davies, Most Rev Dr Anthony Fisher OP, and Dr Meredith Lake (moderator)
2018 Genetics, God and the Future of Humanity Dr Denis Alexander
2017 Personal Identity Dr Brian Rosner
2016 Jesus and the Ten Gospels Dr Simon Gathercole
2015 Taking Flesh: Christology, Embodiment and the Arts Rev Prof. Trevor Hart
2014 Exploring the Territories of Science and Religion Prof. Peter Harrison
2013 The Work of Theology: Thinking, Writing and Acting Politically Prof. Stanley Hauerwas
2012 Imagining the Kingdom: On Christian Discipleship and Action Prof. James K.A. Smith
2011 Theology and the Future Prof. John McDowell, Rev Dr David Starling, Rev Dr Michael Jensen, and Dr Greg Clarke
2010 Music, Modernity and God Prof. Jeremy Begbie
2009 Bioethics and Future Hope Prof. John Wyatt
2008 God and the Artist: Human Creativity in Theological Perspective Prof. Trevor Hart
2007 Morally Awake? Admiration and Resolution in the Light of Christian Faith Rev Prof. Oliver O'Donovan
2006 Children in the Spotlight: Issues in Early Childhood and Parenting E/Prof Kim Oates
2005 Church and State: Exploring Views on the Relevance of Faith to Politics The Hon John Anderson AO, The Hon Kevin Rudd AC, and Rev Dr Andrew Cameron
2004 Science and Christianity: Conflict or Coherence?

Prof. Henry 'Fritz' Schaefer

2003 Living by the Sword: The Ethics of Armed Intervention Rt Rev Dr Tom Frame AM
2002 The Rise of Global Capitalism Prof. Craig Gay
2001 Media Mania Prof. Hugh Mackay AO
2000 Writing in Rights Prof. Hilary Charlesworth AM
1999 If Christ Came to the Olympics E/Prof. William Baker
1998 What is Truth? Dr Peter Vardy
1997 Men and Women: Created or Constructed? Dr Elaine Storkey
1996 Killing the Black Dog Mr Les Murray AO
1995 Beyond Science Rev Canon Dr John Polkinghorne KBE
1994 Ethics and Economics E/Prof. Geoffrey Brennan
1993 Beyond Self-Interest Rev Canon Prof Robin Gill
1992 Hope in the City and Countryside: Environmental Values in our Society Prof. Peter Newman AO
1991 Australia Divided: Aspects of Church and State in Australia Prof. Geoffrey Bolton AO
1990 After Christendom? Prof. Stanley Hauerwas
1989 Constancy and Change The Hon Keith Mason AC, QC
1988 Can These Bones Live? Dr Veronica Brady
1987 Mind Fields E/Prof. Malcolm Jeeves CBE