Centre for Christian Apologetics, Scholarship & Education (CASE)

The Centre for Christian Apologetics, Scholarship and Education (CASE) is an initiative of New College that seeks to examine and respond to issues at the interface of Christianity and society.

CASE engages with other worldviews, and endeavours to convey the truth and beauty of the Christian faith in a world that so often dismisses or misunderstands it. CASE equips Christians to understand their faith and talk about it creatively and intelligently, and provides an open, intellectual environment in which non-Christian enquirers and sceptics can engage with the some of the answers Christians provide to the questions they raise.

The Director of CASE is Dr Bill Peirson.

Activities of CASE include:

  • The publication, in paper and electronic forms, of Case Quarterly
  • A searchable library of in-depth articles, and shorter expert blog posts, on the CASE website
  • Public lectures, seminars and conferences
  • CASE News – regular email notifications of upcoming events and publications
  • Provision of an advisory and reference service for the media offering Christian points of view on current issues

To subscribe to Case Quarterly or CASE news, please go to https://www.case.edu.au/

For further information about CASE contact us on (02) 9381 1999 or caseadmin@newcollege.unsw.edu.au

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